I can confirm that the Palatine Blades for the Emperor's Children are currently being repackaged, and will be back as soon as possible. Here at Forge World we are constantly reviewing our range. New products are added and sometimes products are removed. Of course we never like to say never and products like this may come back, however the iterations of the upgrades that were on Last Chance to Buy will not be sold again I am afraid. We do take on board all feedback though, so we will forward your email on to the relevant teams so that they are aware of the demand for upgrade torsos, shoulders and heads.
Please bare in mind that most of the items on our last chance to buy are bundles made up of several upgrade kits. We are not discontinuing all upgrade kits, just a few of the less popular kits form each legion.
Regarding The Horus Heresy, I can confirm our Facebook Page is correct, the Horus Heresy is staying.
I am sorry that we cannot give you a more specific answer you were looking for, but hopefully you will enjoy the new miniatures coming up with future releases even more! After all the Emperor does Reward the Faithful!
Bonne nouvelle donc pour les unités spécifiques aux légions.
Reste donc la question des armures Mk III et IV, Cataphractii et Tartaros. A quoi bon les garder en boutique alors que leurs équivalents existent en plastique ?
Bref, moi je m'attends à de nouvelles coupes dans la gamme, en espérant qu'elles ne soient pas aussi rapprochées parce que là mon budget hobby a été saigné à blanc.
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